June 12, 2023

Board Digest

June 12, 2023


Following each board of education meeting, the Director of Communications recaps the board meeting in the Board Digest. To view the full agenda, click here. 

Learning Without Limits

BOE Digest
The USD 345 Board of Education recognized Mrs. Karen Lee as the 2022-23 Kansas Society of Professional Engineers Middle School Teacher of the Year. SMS Principal Joshua Snyder introduced Karen as a positive and caring teacher. "She never stops, she's always thinking, she set up a time last week and we sat down and talked about math and instruction and her ideas about what she wants to bring to our classes next year," said Snyder. Karen said she is excited to share her award with her 345 people. 

Superintendent Remarks

Mr. Willson took some time to review the four focus areas set by the USD 345 Board of Education and then focused on Human Capital Management and how important this piece is to ensuring employees feel supported and valued through a comprehensive retention plan. "We need staff who, every single day, wake up and are excited to come to work and give their best," said Willson. "That sounds like a great thing to tell people to do, but the work environment has to make that possible." Mr. Willson shared four components needed to build that type of work environment.

"First and foremost is purpose. Potentially, that is the easiest, as we have our students to help us provide meaning in our work. However, we also need to make sure that we keep students at the center of everything we do and continue to keep that purpose at the forefront of our work.

"Next is doing business in a way that makes work less cumbersome and more effective. People need to have agency over the work they are doing in improving students’ lives. We need to make sure the systems and structures that are necessary for effective and efficient functioning are transparent and collaborative. Most importantly in this area, we have to become high-functioning teams. The camaraderie of teamwork and the joy of having teammates to join in our successes make the work so much more enjoyable and effective.

"Third is having quality and meaningful professional learning and training so each individual can feel that they are giving their best to the team. Not knowing what to do or how to best do it is an awful feeling but helping students learn and develop is so difficult that even the best feel that way sometimes. Part of teamwork is sharing the tools in our toolbox so everyone can feel like they are a successful contributor to the team.

"Last, but not least, is the social aspect of the work environment. Modern businesses have figured out that by opening the walls and creating interdependent teams, their staff are much happier in their jobs. Teaching has always been so isolating, but there are ways to effectively educate students that create a shared experience. Think of a coaching staff and how much fun they have working their tails off for their student-athletes and their colleagues."

Mr. Willson talked about focusing on the staff work experience because a great work environment is the precursor to overall improvement. 

Brad Willson
Brad Willson

President Remarks

Michelle Caudill recognized all of the activities keeping kids and staff engaged and involved during the summer break. She also recognized the administration for their continued work behind the scenes throughout the summer. "Thank you for all you continue to do throughout the summer...you are appreciated." 

Michelle Caudill
Michelle Caudill

Board of Education Consent Agenda

The consent agenda contains items packaged into one agenda item. They are often routine and garner very little discussion. A full list of consent items can be found by visiting the BoardDocs website 

Discussion Items 

Action Items

  • Discontinue administering the KCTC Survey - APPROVED
  • Approve 2023-24 Meal Prices as Presented - APPROVED

Next 345 Board of Education Meeting

The next regularly scheduled board meeting will take place on July 10. It is scheduled to start at 6:00 pm.

Regular board meetings are scheduled on the second Monday of each month at 6:00 pm, with the exception of March, which will be held on the third Monday. Regular meetings may be adjourned to another time and place when necessary. Special meetings may also be scheduled on an as-needed basis. 

Regular meetings typically take place at the Seaman Education Center. When meeting locations change, notice is sent out to the public and made available online. Board agendas go live on the Friday afternoon prior to the regular board meeting. 

All regular meetings are streamed live and available on the district's YouTube Channel. A recap of the meeting is also made available through the Board Digest

Both in-person and digital public comment are accepted at regular board meetings. The public comment agenda item may be found in the meeting agenda

Remaining regular meetings for the 2022-23 school year:

July 10, 2023

Board of Education Agenda

To review previous board of education agendas, click here.

How Can I Watch a Previous Board of Education Meeting?

The video from the meeting will be available by the Tuesday at noon following the meeting. The video can be viewed by clicking here.


Seaman School District USD #345
901 NW Lyman Rd | Topeka, KS 66608